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In-Person Occupational Therapy & Coaching Services

in Fort Collins, Colorado

New Office Location!

2000 College Ave. Suite 210, Fort Collins, Colorado

In-Person Services

In-Person Services can address your wellness in a variety of ways, depending on your personal goals!

Manual Therapy

Manual or Hands-On Therapy to:

  • Relieve musculoskeletal pain
  • Regulate the nervous system
  • Shift energetic blocks & patterns
Manual Therapy

Energy Conservation & Energy Management:

  • Change habits that drain your energy
  • Subtle energy management
  • Manage your extra-sensory gifts
Manual Therapy

Akashic Records Soul Work & Compassion Key:

  • Identify and shift karmic patterns affecting you now
  • Align your Soul Purpose with your Daily Life
  • Connect with your Divine Self & Your Support Team!
Manual Therapy

Exercises & Stretches:

  • For pain-relief
  • Tailored to your body & abilities
  • That fit into your habits & routines
Manual Therapy

Ergonomic & Positioning Support to help:

  • Learn how body positions contribute to pain
  • Be more comfortable during daily activities
  • Tips to change everyday tasks to feel better
Manual Therapy

Pelvic Floor

  • Musculoskeletal Support
  • Energy Work
  • Internal Pelvic Floor therapy for Women

Physically I can help you with:

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulder pain

  • Pelvic floor pain
    (for women)

  • Hand and wrist pain or tingling

  • Arm pain

  • Hip pain

  • Leg pain

  • Ankle or foot pain

  • Unstable or achy joints

  • Painful or tense muscles

Manual Therapy

Why Call Me?

Manual Therapy:

I have been providing manual therapy since 2000 and am a firm believer in the power of touch. I first started doing manual therapy as a Certified Massage Therapist, and now incorporate manual therapy into my Occupational Therapy practice.

Craniosacral Therapy – I became certified in a 2-year Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy program in 2003 and have been practicing this work ever since. This gentle-touch modality works with patterns of imbalance caused by musculoskeletal strain and injury, as well as other forms of energetic imbalance. In addition to physiological information, I can also perceive people’s chakra energy patterns and stress patterns in their body when doing this work. The experience can be deeply relaxing and insightful, like an assisted meditation.

Pelvic Floor Therapy – I have training and experience providing internal pelvic floor therapy. I also address pelvic floor issues such as pelvic and lower back pain, pain with intercourse, and incontinence with external musculoskeletal manual therapy work including Matrix Repatterning and Craniosacral therapy. Energetic blocks can also come into play and I can assist you with these with chakra and soul work.  I teach pelvic floor exercises, as well as provide internal pelvic floor therapy as part of my holistic approach.

Matrix Repatterning: Matrix Repatterning is a clinically-proven form of manual therapy based on sound, scientific principles. Erika is a Certified Matrix Repatterning Practitioner.  See below section on Matrix Repatterning to discover more about this innovative way to addressing pain and other physiological symptoms. Often the issue isn’t coming from the place that is signaling us through pain or tension!

Ergonomics & Positioning Education:

A lot of pain and tension can be linked to positions during everyday activities such sitting or standing at your desk, sleeping, sitting to watch TV or use your phone, driving, and even sex.

Much of the time the furniture and equipment you use does not fit your body as well as it could, which can cause irritation over time.

The way you position yourself may be causing tension that you are unaware of, or don’t know how to change. I love to educate people about ergonomic and positioning changes (often very small and inexpensive ones) that can make a big difference – which can relieve cumulative tension and pain in your neck, joints (shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, knees, hips, ankles, and toes), back, pelvic floor, and head.


Stress can affect us on so many levels. I can provide stress-reduction interventions to help reduce your stress during the treatment.

I can also help you identify where your stress is coming from: physically, emotionally, mentally, and on a soul level using a variety of modalities.

From here, we can co-create strategies personalized to you to help you change your habits, so you can spend more of your energy achieving your goals.

Energy Conservation or Energy Management:

Occupational therapists can provide to help people manage the energy they have, when they have diagnoses or life situations that contribute to low energy.  

I take that a step further and can help you identify which of your chakra energy batteries are low, what patterns and beliefs are keeping them low, and help you find strategies you can implement in your daily life to be more energetic!

Subtle Energy Management:

I have worked with energy or soul centers called chakras for over 20 years, and can see and feel where there are blockages, leaks, low or excessive energy and more in these centers, and help you to restore balance.

This is a non-traditional, but very effective way of providing energy-management interventions and strategies.


I taught yoga for over 10 years. I love to assist with therapeutic stretches and exercises you can do at home to assist with your healing process.

Matrix Repatterning

  • I am a Certified Matrix Repatterning Practitioner
  • Identify where pain is really coming from
  • Resolves pain from the source

Matrix Repatterning is a clinically-proven form of manual therapy based on sound, scientific principles.

This work restores structural balance, eliminates pain, and improves overall health by resolving the problem at the source – literally at the cellular and molecular levels.

It has now been scientifically demonstrated that every cell of the body is linked to every other cell by a continuous fabric of molecular strands (extracellular matrix, cytoskeleton), referred to as the Tensegrity Matrix.

Dr. Roth, Founder of Matrix Repatterning, introduces Matrix Repatterning in this brief video.

The matrix is a strong and flexible framework, which appears to function as an intercellular internet, providing mechanical, chemical and electrical signals essential for optimal cellular health. Disruption of this communication system appears to be a factor in many health conditions.

Injuries, such as falls, motor vehicle collisions, sprains/strains and sports injuries are primarily absorbed by the dense core structures of the body, such as internal organs: due to their fluid content, and bone (dense crystalline structure). The response of the molecular structure of the matrix to injury is the creation of a focal area of tension, referred to as a primary restriction.

The structures affected by primary restrictions appear to lose their connection to the cellular communication system, which can lead to many health problems, and pain.

Due to the fact that all of the cells of the body are interconnected by the matrix, a primary restriction in one part of the body, can lead to strain and pain in many other areas.

These symptomatic areas (i.e. places of pain) are usually blamed for the condition and are often the focus of other forms of treatment. This may provide short-term relief, however, since the source of the injury within the core structures has not been identified or addressed, the condition tends to return or is more easily re-injured.

What makes Matrix Repatterning different is that Certified Matrix Repatterning Practitioners* are able to precisely locate the source of the problem (primary restrictions), due to an electronic change in the cell structure, which accompanies the injury. Once this is identified, treatment, using gentle manual pressure is used to encourage the structures contributing to the condition, to return to a normal state of tone. By systematically releasing all of the layers of injury, which have accumulated over a lifetime, Matrix Repatterning can allow the entire body to be restored (repatterned) to optimal, pain-free function. (Paraphrased from

Erika Mason is a Certified Matrix Repatterning Practitioner, CMRP.

Click HERE for the Matrix Repatterning website and to read more scientific and clinical reports about this powerful modality of healing!

Emotionally, Spiritually, Energetically:

Manual Therapy

Is stress taking a toll on your life?

Would you like support with personalized stress-relief strategies for your
mind, body, emotions and spirit?

Do you always feel tired?

Would you like to learn how to work with your
personal chakra energy batteries and
change your energy habits?

I can help!


Would you like to work
with someone who:

  • Provides gentle, compassionate presence with skilled manual therapy and energy therapy to assist you with your pain, tension, or next holistic breakthrough…
  • Has medical training and clinical experience...
  • Uses objective assessments and measures to help build tangible progress towards YOUR goals…
  • Connects with you intuitively, and listens to your insights and the important personal work you are doing, even if it might sound “weird” to say out loud…
  • Sees and feels chakra energy patterns, and can help you learn how to work with your energy…
  • & Co-creates a healing experience with you, rather than just doing something “to” you?

For More Information:
Call or Text 970-658-0221

Or set up a 15 minute, Free video consultation


While the work I provide can be very effective, much of what I offer is considered by insurance companies as experimental, “not medically necessary,” and not covered by insurance.  Please contact me if you have questions about my cash-pay services.


It’s time to start!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth?

Don’t wait any longer to explore the transformative possibilities waiting for you. Schedule your in-person session today, and take the first step towards living a Light Filled Life.